
Saturday, November 22, 2014

How To Adjust the Clip Preview Volume In Ableton

Lots of us producers have extensive sample collections. So we frequently find our selves searching through giant lists of samples, some of which are very loud and compressed.. If you work like me, your project's overall volume isn't all that hot so when we reach for a new sample, the loud one can blast you! But, fortunately there is a way to adjust the preview volume.

While in session view just take a look at your master channel. At the bottom there is a blue knob that controls your preview/cue volume.

Hope this helped you guys! If it did please subscribe to us on YouTube and like us on Facebook

Making a Directional EQ in Ableton

A directional EQ is an amazing tool. It allows you to place certain frequencies in specific areas of stereo space. There are plug-ins out there that do this but there is no need for paying extra cash for something you can do with just Ableton's live devices.

Now, mind you, this is not perfect and can create some resonance if used excessively. So, be cautious and use sparingly. Less is more in this case.

You can download this audio effects rack on the downloads page.

If you liked this tutorial and you found it helpful please subscribe to us on youtube.

How to make an EDM Drum Kit